„The size of your Adventure is not depending on the size of the engine.“

Niels Peter Jensen

A 9 to 5 job 5 days a week always in the same place – that’s not for Niels. Life always has to offer something new to him. Of course, he also has to feed his family and pay his bills, but he does that in his very own way. His ideas shape his wishes and passion drives him. If he has set a goal, then he fights for it, every day anew. He always goes to his limits.

Be it on his road trips around the world or in the filming of his TV formats. To give his best is natural for him. But he loves life and the little things as well. Spontaneous road trips with friends on his motorcycle, sit around the campfire or teach his kids to ride a bicycle.

„Das wirklich große Abenteuer ist das Leben an sich und ich versuche das Beste aus jedem Tag zu machen!“

Erfolge Abseits des Sports

7 Jahre Nutella Werbung
2 Jahre MTV Sports Moderation
TV Sendung auf DSF/MTV/Pro7
über 600min im TV
Playstation Computer Spiel

SUZUKI Signature Auto „The NPJ“
Gumball Teilnahme / 10 Anniversary mit David
Hasselhoff & KITT
TV Sendung „MANMADE“ auf ProSieben MAXX
TV Sendung „EXTREME“ auf ProSieben MAXX